Sunday, September 09, 2007

A sad tale

Dear Princess's tears could not run dry as she struggles with the deep, sharp, hurting pain in her heart. Hearing her asking why the one she loves chose another over her resonate with the familiar lost, confused and sad feelings I known recently.

Her story is a familiar , helpless and painful tale of how the one lost do not admits to his contribution to the un-reunited love and even push the blame back. The unfair comparison of her against the other person, which generates so much anger and confusion, are feelings I can understand and empathize with. The sadness part for me is knowing that it would not help her to find her balance if I say for he had shown he is not mature nor honest nor brave person enough to work it out for her. Her cries shows a part of her heart still beats for him.

It is always so hard to let go of a love so treasured. Hearing this tale so close to my own, shows that for all I had felt, my tale is not a unique story, and that I am not alone in the world with the pain and sense of lost. For out there in the world, someone else may be sharing a similar sad tale with a friend.

They say time heals all wounds and letting go takes time. I found the following paragraph speak so accurately about how much time is needed:

"What we do know is that letting go usually takes time, and that it is rarely a simple journey. It's not easy to find a place where you can set free the pain, or shame, you carry from your experiences. A place where you can tell the story differently in your head - where you can relinquish the role of victim or villain, and give yourself and the other person roles that are more complex and liberating. A place where you can accept yourself for who you've been and who you are.

If someone tells you that you should have gotten over something or someone by now, don't believe it. Believing there's some appropriate time frame for getting over something is just one more way to keep yourself stuck. But neither should you believe that there's nothing you can do to enable yourself to let go, or that it just takes time. There's plenty you can do to help yourself down that road." [Difficult Conversations]

Such is the love - artist unknown.


Anonymous said...

Reading your entry made me teared.
What you say is probably true. My heart still probably beats for him.

It's painful but I know i've to move on. Time will heal.

I felt disappointed and hurt more than angry. I will forgive him. Maybe I am not the kinda girl that suits him.

Thank you for your encouragements and care these past weeks.

ethan said...

I know you are a strong and brave gal. You will survive this, let the tears wash it away and set ya free. Ya heard my sorrow then, now it my turn to be the listening ear. :)

ethan said...

Peace be with you when you seek His Presence, dear sister Princess.