Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It will be Red in color.

PZY got a new car, a Honda Civic, and I must say looks much better than his previous car. It's dark black color and aggressive front fits PZY image perfectly. A good example of the car matching the owner.

It was not his new car that got me interested in getting myself one. I called him up to catch up with him and to get some tips on car buying. As my first criteria for getting a car is status, he proposed the choice of Honda Civic or Toyota Corrolla Altis for the look. Over the past few days of spying every cars that drive past me, I must say I agreed to his proposal. Both cars add a status symbol to the owner. And regardless of the final model, I have decided the color to be red.

And is left for me to do some leg walking and examination of what else is left out in my evaluation.


Anonymous said...

Blue cars are much better.

Anonymous said...

get a car like this and you really impress people

i saw this on youtube
