Thursday, August 16, 2007

2 head but one hat

Come to think of it, I could not find a good reason why she told the team first and then informed me much later that my predecessor is rejoining the company. Shouldn't I be first to be informed so that I can hold up my dignity when the news goes to the people, and that I will not be shell-shocked together with the crowd.

As to my question to her whether there enough same hat to 2 head, she replied the new role and responsibilities among the team is pending big boss approval. And when asked about how did the predecessor was able to come back, she replied she cant inform me about the rational and not even the reason for not able to tell me about the rational. She keep pushing it back that the big boss needs to decides her recommendation.

Gosh, really what happened today may be a good thing after all since it is obvious she is not objective enough and sensitive enough.

Thinking even further, her early attempts to take over my role during the presentation to enterprise architect and when her words does not match her action should have make me watch my steps that she is playing games around me. I should paid more attention to the alarm bells that ringing off in my head. Again, another lesson learned and this time is about not trusting even your own boss.

So it is time again to start looking out for a new job.


Anonymous said...

she sounds like a cutthroat to me

Anonymous said...

I like your blog - you sound very sensitive -

Lyn said...

sorry to hear what happened... but are you sure about looking for another job? to be honest, bitches like her are almost everywhere.

ethan said...

The current situation is my predecessor will be taking over the perm position which was supposed to be given to the role now held by me. The lady boss confirmed that there only one perm position for that role. So that make me very much redundant. I am on contract now and it will be matter of time before the company decides not to renew or terminate.

It been difficult for me and after much thought, I believe I need to soldier on while looking for another position.

Anonymous said...

Can't you sue them for breach of contract then?