Monday, October 22, 2007

Club Med Bali (19 Oct to 21 Oct)

I wanted to fly away on airplane and on the day when I am one year older, wake up on a different land. And I got my wish, beautiful great white sand and crystal clear blue water welcomed me when I opened my eyes on my birthday. And sweet chirping songs of birds are always are in the background of the fresh clean morning air during my stay there.

And so amazing is the sight of many stars, so many of them and so beautiful against the dark blue night sky. I wished I had my camera there.

On my departure day, I wished I could stay longer and the feeling was reinforced hard when I started work next day.

I glad did this, the time away and far from all that is familiar allows me to feel peace and to relax.
And the trip helped me to found one clue to my recent depression is the familiar surrounding that I called home for too long of my life.

I need a change. I need a change in either my status or my environment. I glad I found the reason. I need to work at it now.

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