Sunday, January 06, 2008

What she taught me...

It feels like deja-vu, the dodgy relationship is full of up and down over her army of suitors. And she could not understand it is not what they do or how many of them, it is her response to them that brothers me. For all her touching care and sweet kindness, what I needed most now is a open and transparent communication between us.

And from it all, I realized I would and could not do these because I could not. I simply could not. And then I realized I must because a gal will love her bf more if he did.
  1. That a guy will stand tearing outside her home begging for her love. Not just one.
  2. That older man offered her a unlimited card, 5K monthly, a condo and a car to be his gf.
Things that I would never do and could not do, and earning the first lessons of the new year. That while care is important, it does not really work for me compared to open, honest and transparent communication.

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