Saturday, April 07, 2007

Her love was always conditional

From that moment that she told me her ex always keep in touch with her through out the day, for the times she show care only when i touches her heart, her love to me was alway conditional. And conditional love is never true love. Love is always unconditional, for it will always be there even if the conditions are removed.

I really liked her and my love certainly blinded me to this. It is only today that I realized this blindness in me. Time aways from it helps to clear away the fuzzy dovely blindness that prevent me to see clearly.

I should have known that she does not really loves me when she could not decides between me and the 3rd party. From that moment, it casts in the doubts and questions whether her past affections and actions are really sincere and true. Like a crippling sickness, the doubts creeps and snakes around what should be good memories and render them into falsehood and cynical dreams. For the one year together, nothing left but salt water and a hurting heart.

This episode pains me but I must remember the lesson I take away from this. There is fine line between what you can work together upon and when you decides it is not unacceptable. If there is no progress towards working to resolve a issue, it is time to decides if it means that it is not acceptable to me OR the other party is not giving in the required time and efforts.

Aztec Camera - How Men are

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