Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hard year so far....

So far, this year started really hard for me. I thought the company I joined will be good but turns out the boss sucks. Couple of first under him

1) Inconsistency: I got this confirmation to use a particular approach the night before. Only to be overrule the next morning in front of the team.

2) Insult: To be told my certification means nothings and he should hire someone without it. (If I am the boss, I will tell my subordinate exactly where he did not meet my expectation. Be specific abt it)

3) Allow backstabbing: For not listening to my side of story first before telling me off. (Shows how basis he is against me.)

Guess it is time for me to start looking for a new position. Hope the next one will be better for me.

Variations on the Kanon by Pachelbel - George Winston

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