Monday, December 04, 2006

A brisk fas pace

With a loud metallic shriek, my chair was pushed back as I stood up. Confused with hurt, clouded with anger, neck full with frustration, I just wanted to be away from her. So I walked, a brisk fast pace, past the food stalls, down the escalator, into vivocity.......

The above was written about 2 years ago, safe in my list of draft until now. It is until today, I finally mastered the lesson from it. I am ashamed by my own action. Not in my defence, I did what I did mainly due to a dare that it is either me or she first doing what I did. Knowing her, she will not remember this dare nor ever acknowledges it.

Then, I thought I find my answer if I hunt ask for her feelings which she never truthfully shared. Then, never did I consider there a more sinister reason behind her reluctant to answer. Now, today, I understand why, for she had something to hide, a agenda that could not be shared with me. And it set the stage for the future events.

Even in a court of law, judges advises to infer negative implication for silence.

Written this down marks is a liberating move that helped me to craft out exactly what happened and who is the victim and villain.

And more importantly, to think of the other extreme when a close trusted person is reluctant to answer your questions, for it means the person knows the answer will do much damage.

And for me to remember not to do this to a friend. Always preferring to be as candour as possible as the friend can take it.

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