Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Industrial Espionage

After been to a few interviews, I realized some of the interviewers will attempt to seek confidential information from you. Informational that can be classified as industrial secret.

One asked me to revel the cost price of the projects I performed estimation with. The query came from a government official that should know that the cost price from my company is sensitive information. It was a gamble that failed.

Another asked to revel my last drawn salary. On reflection, I should answer only if he have the authority to perform salary negotiation. It will be a strategic mistake if I discover that he does not have the authority after I joined the company. To me, it will be an unfair advantage for him to know my personal salary.

So I am be careful. I now know that interviewers will attempt to perform commercial espionage and spying in the guise of checking your qualification. So any questions that does not relate to me and the position will be politely pointed out on the relevancy of the question to the post.

I'm No Angel - Dido

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