Friday, October 06, 2006

My strengths

Been reading this book, "Now, discover your strengths" by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O.Clifton. It rhymes with me as it suggests how I should improves on my strengths instead of my weakness, so to be successful in life and work.

I agreed with it that I should not spent time improving on my weakness but use the time to improve my strengths further. Why try improve on something that is difficult for myself? I may become skilled at it but I may not have the latent talent to make it effortless perfect.

I believe each of us have our own talents latent inside us, using them to do productive work will brings fruits in enjoyment and satisfaction. I remembered how satisfied and happy I feel when I am doing something that comes easy for me.

I know some of my strengths. I need to find out the rest of them. Next, is then to check whether my strengths are in use in the new role in my new company.

Or put it in another way, what kind of work and role allows me to use my strengths?

Five for fighting - Superman

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