Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thing of Beauty

Visited the Swedish ship Gotheborg today, it docked near Vivocity. After touring the ship for the price of $10 note, I left the ship with a sense of amazement and wonder at the beauty of the ship. The snaking rope that climb up to the top of the mast is both ugly and beautiful. It does not look big but it have 4 decks and able to hold up to 80 people.

The criss crossing of the ropes that hold the sail up and yet does not tangle with one another leave me with amazement at the discipline and unity that the ship crew must have to make it happened.

Gotheborg does not have clean lines like a modern vessel but it have a sense of beauty and pride to it that is very difficult to determine exactly what make it so.

Pictures to follow...

Shiver - Natalie Imbruglia

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