Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I have given my best

Did I do the right thing? Only time will tell. Could someone tell me if it is possible to hold one frustration and sense of losing control out of ones voice? Is it possible only after a long practise?

More importantly, I guess it is the ability to hold one feelings at bay when the opposite party throws such at you. So does that means one can hold his feeling at bay always? I believe not for if it possible then that someone must be not human. I believe people are like container, they can only hold so much before they burts or overflow. So it is question then of how deep is one container. Which answered my own question, one can hold one feeling at bay with practise.

I said good bye to her today. I am calling it off because we not really compatiable for each other, both of us are head-strong and she is always want to have the last word. I can honestly say that I have given my best attempt. I have tried to rationaise my feeling and work out a solution for both us. It did not even reach the stage where we can talk about the problem, for it ended with me losing my patience and cool.

Maybe it will work for the short term but I have no confidence for the long term. Maybe it better to stop now and start again. I an honestly tried my best.

Kd Lang - Crying

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