Monday, June 13, 2005

So today I attend my first class of Sala after a break of over 6 months. The class is repeat of my previous Sala lessons. I joined because Jenny asked me too. Jenny is a cheerful, loveable and simply adorable person. We meet up with her hubby after class for dinner and I have great time chatting with them.

Two very young adult, both in their early late twenties and very much in love with each other. Both attend different schools, stayed in opposite side of the island and does not have common friends. So how did they meet each other? Thru ICQ!!

The first couple I knowed that did not meet each other thru friends nor SDU. Simply wonderful! It give hope to internet relationship!!! ha ha!! But it is not for me!

For me, I am visual person and I am not looking for Miss Universe. Someone who is outgoing, extrovert and fun to be with me. Is my problem is that I am not daring enough and when I do, is too daring? I think not, something tells me that I have not meet that special someone. Poor sentimental romantic fool I am.

I am still waiting for her to came back. Her HP still have SingTel auto answer reply till now. It is about a month now. I give myself till next month before I resign to give up. :(

John Williams - Cavatina

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